We also have lists of words that start with legal and words that end with legal An unofficial list of all the Scrabble words you can make from the letters of the word legal. You can make anagrams and words with an extra letter using the letters legally! This page is a list of all the words that can be made from the letters in legal, or by rearranging the word legal. These words should be able to be used as Scrabble words or in games such as words with friends. In some cases, the words do not have anagrams, but we will let you find the longer words by changing the letters. Using this tool is a great way to find out which words can be formed – you`ll be surprised to find the number of words that have a lot of anagrams! 43 words can be legalized from the letters of the word. LGLELAY LLEGALY LGLLAEY ELGLALY LGELLAY LGLALEY EALLLGY GAELLLY EGALLLY ELLLGAY AEGLLLY LLELAGY LALELGY LLGELAY ELALGLY LELGALY LAGELLY LALGELY EALGLLY LLGALEY ALLLEGY ELGALLY GELLALY AELGLLY LEALGLY LLEAGLY ALGLLEY LLLEAGY ELALLGY LAELGLY LLAGELY GEALLLY AGLLELY LGLAEY GLELALY GLELLAY ALELGLY LALEGLY AGELLLY AELLGLY ELLGALY.